SpaceCamp - Winter Desert Camp

As promised in my last post.. here are a few photos of SpaceCamp in the southern Arizona outback. We plan to spend next winter in the same spot.. peace and quiet and lots of desert wildlife.

.. the view from my studio as the rays of the setting sun turn the world golden

.. the last light on desert formations... the magic of the Southwest

.. a view of SpaceCamp as I was walking back to camp.. my studio is the tent on the left

.. the purples and violets of the afterglow... lots of iridescent colors

SpaceCamp from the 'back'.. completely self-sufficent off-the-grid.. solar powers everything.. wind power generator for non-sunny days... hose tripods and dishes are for the satellite internet and satellite tv.. all the comforts. my studio is on the right.. buckled up for the night in case a windstorm kicks up. Quite a nomadic setup.

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