Artist Tent Studio - Photos

We are in the process of moving SpaceCamp to the high elevations of Great Basin National Park. Since I am not painting these past couple weeks.. I will post a few photos of a more personal note.. interior shots of my canvas tent studio when it was set up near the rim of the Grand Canyon for three years. Fellow artists would be interested to peruse my working space.. always good to see other art studios.. I know it always gives me energy to continue. So here they are...

.. working on 'Nankoweap Noon' .. a 30x40.. still working on the comp

.. how I organize my paints [spectrum layout... warm to cool of each color group.. and always way more colors than I need just in case I decide to try a different color than my usual palette..  I own over 250 oils [not all displayed here].. always room for a new color

.. my computer work area and one of my small desert studies .. sold already

.. working at night ... those are 5000k daylight fluorescents above the easel and halogen spotlights clamped to the tent frame to check my colors for gallery lighting

.. my buddy... the 50's Korean woodstove.. works great even in the coldest weather.. 7000' here at the Canyon. Never cold in this studio even in winter .. amazing for canvas walls.

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